Chenhui Deng

I have just completed my PhD program at Cornell University and will be joining NVIDIA as a Research Scientist in April, 2024. My research goal is to solve real-world problems on large-scale graph-structured data, specifically including circuit problems in chip design. My research area is in the interdisciplinary field of Machine Learning, Spectral Graph Theory, Electronic Design Automation, and VLSI.

Office Rhodes Hall 471D, Ithaca, NY, 14853
Resume CV

2024-03 Happy to present our recent progress about representation learning on computation graphs at CDSC, UCLA.
2024-02 Thrilled to share that I have successfully passed my thesis defense! I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my family, teachers, friends, and all who have faith in me.
2023-04 Happy to give a guest lecture at Cornell ECE 6980 on the topic of graph learning
2022-08 Thrilled to share that I have won the prestigious and highly competitive 2022 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship! There are only 19 teams winning the award out of 132 teams in North America this year.
2022-05 Excited to announce that I have passed my A exam and become a PhD candidate now! Thanks all my committee members for their kind support and invaluable advice!

Chenhui Deng*, Zhiqiang Zhao*, Yongyu Wang, Zhiru Zhang, Zhuo Feng
GraphZoom: A Multi-Level Spectral Approach for Accurate and Scalable Graph Embedding (Oral, Acceptance Rate: 1.8%)
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
Chenhui Deng, Xiuyu Li, Zhuo Feng, Zhiru Zhang
GARNET: Reduced-Rank Topology Learning for Robust and Scalable Graph Neural Networks (SpotLight, Acceptance Rate: 4.6%)
Learning on Graphs Conference (LoG), 2022
Chenhui Deng, Zichao Yue, Zhiru Zhang
Polynormer: Polynomial-Expressive Graph Transformer in Linear Time
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2024
Chenhui Deng, Zichao Yue, Cunxi Yu, Gokce Sarar, Ryan Carey, Rajeev Jain, Zhiru Zhang
Less is More: Hop-Wise Graph Attention for Scalable and Generalizable Learning on Circuits
Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2024
Ecenur Ustun*, Chenhui Deng*, Debjit Pal, Zhijing Li, Zhiru Zhang
Accurate Operation Delay Prediction for FPGA HLS Using Graph Neural Networks
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2020
Wuxinlin Cheng*, Chenhui Deng*, Zhiqiang Zhao*, Yaohui Cai, Zhiru Zhang, Zhuo Feng
SPADE: A Spectral Method for Black-Box Adversarial Robustness Evaluation
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021
Xiaohan Gao, Chenhui Deng, Mingjie Liu, Zhiru Zhang, David Z. Pan and Yibo Lin
Layout Symmetry Annotation for Analog Circuits with Graph Neural Networks
IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), 2021
Jiajia Jiao, Debjit Pal, Chenhui Deng, Zhiru Zhang
GLAIVE: Graph Learning Assisted Instruction Vulnerability Estimation
IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2021

Book Chapters
Debjit Pal, Chenhui Deng, Ecenur Ustun, Cunxi Yu, Zhiru Zhang
Machine Learning for Agile FPGA Design
Machine Learning Applications in Electronic Design Automation, ed. H. Ren and J. Hu, Springer, 2022